Madison County consistently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state of Alabama.  The average unemployment rate for Madison County in 2012 is 6.5%.  That compares with a statewide average of 7.2% and a 2012 national average of 8.2%.

Yet, many of the jobs in the Huntsville area are jobs that require particular skills.  They don't call it "the Rocket City" for nothing.

For a person with a disabling impairment, finding any work that will accommodate special needs can be difficult.  If the impairment is severe and is expected to last for 12 months or more, it is probably time to file a disability claim.  In filing for Social Security disability, it is important to describe all past relevant work experience.  This vocational information combined with medical information helps decision makers approve Social Security disability claims.

During the latest reporting period, 70.1 percent of Social Security disability claims filed in Alabama were denied.  There can be many reasons for denial of disability benefits:  incomplete or improper applications, medical records not being obtained or unavailable, inadequate proof of severity of a physical or mental condition, failure to meet the duration requirement or just bad luck.  

Having a Social Security disability claim denied can have a depressing affect.  Too many people become discouraged and give up, needlessly.  Even when denied, a Social Security disability claim lives on for 60 days.  During that 60 day period, the claimant can request a hearing and potentially hang on to all the benefits under the original claim.  When the hearing is held, an administrative law judge is free to ignore the denial letter that said "you are not disabled under our rules."  The judge may also award benefits back to the date you first became disabled.

Huntsville has many experienced and knowledgeable disability advocates and representatives who can assist in filing disability claims and successfully appealing those that are denied.  A representative cannot charge a fee for his or her services unless the claim is successful and back pay is recovered.


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