Most of the clients that I represent in Social Security disability matters are reluctant to file a claim.  This is understandable and I think I have gleaned some insight into this reluctance.

First, deciding to file a disability claim requires an admission.  The claimant must accept the fact that he or she is not the person they once were.  They must admit to themselves that they are at the end of their working career.  The individual simply cannot do what they once did.  For some, this admission is quite a challenge.

Second, there is usually a degree of denial.  Individuals like to believe that they will improve and will be able to work again at some point.  Even once they accept the fact that they cannot work, they refuse to admit their real limitations.  I talk to individuals with herniated discs and bad backs all the time who tell me they can lift 75 pounds.  They may also say that they can stand 4 hours at a time and walk 500 yards.  This is often a matter of self deception, or refusing to admit their own limitations.  

Third, everyone knows Social Security will question, quiz, cross examine, poke, prod, examine and re-examine during the process to decide if they are eligible for benefits.  It can be a 2-year process (or longer) during which the claimant is put in very uncomfortable situations and the outcome is still very much uncertain.  A lot of people are just not willing to undergo the unpleasantness.

A qualified attorney or non-attorney representative can do these folks a great service:  first by standing between them and the Social Security Administration as a mediator and advocate.  Second, the representative can judge which facts are pertinent to the case and which are not.  Third, the representative can obtain quality medical evidence to help prove disability.  Finally, the representative will attend the hearing with the claimant to ensure that the claimant's right are preserved.  

A lot of our clients tell us that the Social Security disability process is simply not something they would have ever tackled without our help. We do try to make the ordeal less painful and more productive for the claimant.
For a free consultation, contact the Forsythe Firm in Huntsville at (256) 799-0297, or in Nashville at (615) 732-6159.  No fee unless you recover back pay.  The Forsyhthe Firm is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration or the US Government.


  1. Another very difficult thing about Social Security disability is the red tape. Forms and more forms. Evidence and medical records. Let us expertly handle the paperwork, medical records and evidence. We will prepare your initial claim or appeal. If it needs to go to an administrative law judge for adjudication, we'll help you with that, too. It's all free unless you win and are able to recover back pay in a lump sum. Our service will NOT reduce your future monthly benefits by one cent. Reach me at (256) 799-0297.


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