Mental disorders can be disabling just the same as physical disorders for purposes of Social Security disability. The Forsythe Firm handles dozens of claims each year based on mental or emotional disorders - and we win a majority of the ones that we represent. The evidence in a disability case based on mental disorders can be a bit more subjective; however, Social Security requires a "severe impairment based on medically determinable evidence." Obviously, you can't usually define mental impairments with X-rays, MRIs, CAT scans or laboratory studies. So, what do you offer as proof of a severe impairment? First, I look for a diagnosis by either a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Failing that, I look for a diagnosis by a primary care MD. To establish a severe impairment for Social Security, you must have evidence from an "acceptable medical source," which would include the type of evidence I just mentioned. You cannot establish the presence of ...