The Forsythe Firm is one of North Alabama's most sought after claimant's advocates in dealing with Social Security claims.  With thousands of successful cases under its belt and one of the highest success rates in the profession, it's no wonder disabled individuals turn to the Forsythe Firm for help in getting their Social Security disability benefits started.

Here is what you may not know about government disability:

1.  You must prove disability by medical standards.  It must be proved according to Social Security's complex and confusing rules.

2.  There are certain things your doctor(s) must provide before you can be approved.

3.  Certain technical factors must be in place:  how long and how recently you worked; the exact date when you first became unable to work; the affect of unemployment benefits or worker's compensation, for example.

4.  You must prove (medically) that you impairment is severe, prevents the ability to perform all work on a full-time basis and that the condition has lasted for 12 consecutive months or more--or that it is expected to last for at least 12 consecutive months or more.

5.  If you were sent to a "consultative examination" by one of Social Security's doctors, your attorney/representative will probably have to overcome this doctor's opinion.  This is usually not too difficult, but you must know how.

6.  You will need more than just your doctor's routine medical records (in most cases).  As your representative, we will try to get specific statements from your doctor that Social Security must respect according to the federal regulations.  (Not all statements by doctor's, even if they are supportive, will be given any weight).  The doctor needs to say certain, very specific, very detailed things, in order to be effective.

7.  The staff at the Social Security office cannot and will not be your advocate.  They are paid to process paper and to comply with all the delays, red tape, excuses and denials built into the system.  They will not fight to get you paid.  Their attitude will be, "Let's be certain we don't pay anyone until we are absolutely certain that we can't deny the claim."

8.  Our attitude will be:  "Let's solve all the problems, avoid the delays, provide the right evidence, push Social Security and give them a reason to approve this claim.  Let's get our client paid as quickly as possible."

If you or someone you know is struggling with a Social Security disability claim--or have recently been denied benefits--call the Forsythe Firm in Huntsville for a free consultation.

All our work is free until the claim is paid--and we even cover all the costs of adjudication or litigation until the settlement is reached.  Then, we will collect our fee from Social Security (out of your back pay).  No upfront fee or cost to you.

PHONE (256) 799-0297


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