Many of my disabled clients are in a Cache 22. They aren't able to work and can't afford a doctor. But they need a doctor in order to get disability benefits. What can you do?
If you are disabled and can't afford to see a doctor, you may want to consider one of the following resources in the Huntsville area. If one of these can't help, please call my office to see if we can refer you to another doctor or clinic.
Community Free Clinic
410 Sivley Road SW
Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 533-2910
308 Fountain Circle
Huntsville, AL, 35801
(256) 428-7560
Health Department, Huntsville-Madison County
301 Max Luther Drive,
Huntsville, AL 35811
(256) 539-3711
Please be aware that these clinics are very busy and get a very large number of requests for help. We ask that you be patient (and you must be persistent). You may have to call more than once before you can see a doctor. And you may have to go into the clinic for screening before an appointment will be made.
If you live in another city or county of North Alabama, we may be able to refer you to another doctor or clinic who can potentially help you. The goal of visiting a doctor or clinic should not be to get Social Security disability. The goal is to get the medical help you need. There may be other benefits - but that is the main one.
If you are disabled and can't afford to see a doctor, you may want to consider one of the following resources in the Huntsville area. If one of these can't help, please call my office to see if we can refer you to another doctor or clinic.
Community Free Clinic
410 Sivley Road SW
Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 533-2910
308 Fountain Circle
Huntsville, AL, 35801
(256) 428-7560
Health Department, Huntsville-Madison County
301 Max Luther Drive,
Huntsville, AL 35811
(256) 539-3711
Please be aware that these clinics are very busy and get a very large number of requests for help. We ask that you be patient (and you must be persistent). You may have to call more than once before you can see a doctor. And you may have to go into the clinic for screening before an appointment will be made.
If you live in another city or county of North Alabama, we may be able to refer you to another doctor or clinic who can potentially help you. The goal of visiting a doctor or clinic should not be to get Social Security disability. The goal is to get the medical help you need. There may be other benefits - but that is the main one.
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