BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY: ___ You are not working now at substantial gainful activty. * ___ You have a severe medical impairment that has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 consecutive months. ___ You have worked enough to be covered by the Social Security Act (generally, you have worked at least 5 out of the last 10 years). ADD BONUS POINTS FOR YOUR CASE IF YOU..... ___ Are at least 50 years of age ___ Have consistent medical treatment ___ Have a history of treatment by a specialist ___ Can get a detailed medical source statement (form) from at least one of your treating doctors. ___ Have a long and consistent work record, especially at the same company or in the same type of work. ___ Tried to return to work since your disability but were not able to do so (unsuccessful attempt to work). ________________ * Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) in 2016 means you are earning gross WAGES or SALARY of at least $1,130 per month....