The process to get benefits from Social Security disability is terribly slow--and without expert legal help it can also be dangerous. Dangerous in the sense of losing your chance to collect benefits. The best odds of being approved for Social Security disability benefits are at the hearing level, which is the second stage in the process for most folks in Alabama. Here are the normal steps available to a Social Security disability applicant, in the order that they occur: APPLICATION STAGE : This is often called the "initial stage." The claimant's application is processed by the state Disability Determination Service (DDS), which denies about two-thirds of all applications. This stage usually takes about 4 months from the date of application. HEARING STAGE: Once denied by DDS, the claimant appears in person for a hearing before a US Administrative Law Judge. It is currently taking 18 to 24 months in many cases to get a hearing scheduled (from the ...