No. 1 in a series of articles about Social Security disability hearings. PREPARING FOR A SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY HEARING Arrive Early. Unless your representative asks you to be at the hearing office at a specific time, arrive at least 30 minutes early. The judge will expect you to be ready on time and will not delay the hearing if you are late. There may be some preliminaries to deal with, so arriving half an hour early is advisable. What to Wear Dress neat and comfortably. Do not wear a suit or dress like it's Easter Sunday. Within reason, wear what is comfortable and appropriate to the season. Note that hats or caps are now allowed to be worn inside the hearing room. Turn off Your Cell Phone You may bring a cell phone but be sure it turned off (not just to mute) before you go into the hearing. Don't Talk About Your Disability Don't discuss your disability, your claim or the hearing with persons in the waiting room....