As a Social Security disability advocate in Huntsville, I try to help individuals get their SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits approved as quickly as possible. Sometimes, an individual does not want to hire me but simply wants some advice on how to "do it myself." My advice is given here for the benefit of other "do-it-yourselfers" who want to take on the US Social Security Administration alone. List all doctors, psychologists, clinics, hospitals or ERs you have visited for two years prior to the date you claim to have become disabled. Even if you went to the ER with an ear ache and don't feel that it "amounted to anything," list it anyway. Include mental as well as physical conditions for which you have been treated. Social Security must consider all your conditions and their combined effects. Take time to fill out all the forms completely and correctly. It may take you 6 or 8 hours to complete all the application forms. T...