In 2008, the average wait time for a Social Security disability hearing was 514 days. In 2011, the wait time fell to 360 days. By the end of fiscal 2013, the goal is further reduce the wait down to 270 days - or about nine months. My experience here in Alabama is that the Offices of Disability Adjudication and Review are frantically scheduling hearings and using every opportunity available to reduce the wait. This means holding hearings at district offices, "satellite" locations and using video teleconferences. I am actually seeing some hearings scheduled within the 9 month period already. Most of the claimants that I represent are in dire need of their disability benefits. Some are virtually homeless, living with a friend or relative until they can get their disability case resolved. Some are suffering home foreclosures. Many cannot afford urgent medical care. The reduced waiting times are good news for these claimants.